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Hey Goddess!  Yes YOU... the Divine being reading this!  I am so glad  you are here.

Have you ever just felt STUCK?  

Like you're going through life, giving it your all!  Trying to live in your highest vibration, day by day even though sometimes life is just an insane mess all around you?  Where things are just a bit harder, and it seems like your swimming upstream or smashing your head against the wall? 

And, you can feel there is something beyond this space.  You are starting to see your repeated unconscious patterns but your don't quite know what to do about them.  Just frozen in stagnation or frustration? 

I have been there!  OVER AND OVER for decades!  With lots of great learning and wisdom and yet still...STUCK AF!

Until, I had a magical moment of insight - a dalliance with the Divine and the layers of my decades of practice and training suddenly laid out for me like an intricate weaving of logic and feeling that rippled through my body like a great YES!!!

From that yes came the birth of Embody by Design.

Embody by Design is a dynamic 8 week transformational life coaching program for women ready to step into their innately Divine nature.


Women that want to stand authentically in their purpose, heart open to give & RECEIVE unconditional love and prosperity beyond their wildest dreams.  

This program is designed for the woman that has already begun her hero's journey (even just the first step) but find themselves getting "stuck", seeing but struggling to change repeated behaviors that bring struggle and suffering.


For the woman longing for the deep inner-wisdom her story and shadows have for her, while allowing the attachments to them to fall away.  And for the woman who longs to fully embody her wild feminine nature - full of wisdom, joy, emotion, expression and LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Dive into yourself with this powerful, eclectic cohesion of Nondual Tantra, somatic practices such as Yoga, Sacred Dance & Breathwork, and the wisdom of your Human Design & Gene Keys; to fully embody your Essence Nature and live in authentic alignment with your Divine purpose. 

Come dance with me my loves! 

Amba J

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